Posted by: David Harley | June 13, 2024

Rust to Dust (in process)

Definitely a work in progress (hence the change of title, and shortly, audio)…

Words and music (c) David Harley

I landed badly from a leap of Faith
And Faith no longer talks to me
Though I tried rewriting history
Her story won’t let me be

Cash to ashes, rust to dust
Go for broke and end up bust
The devil drives, where needing must
Dream of love, and fall in lust

Maybe I don’t have the jealousy gene
Maybe Jean’s just not the one
To paint my world a lighter blue
And continue what’s begun

Cash to ashes, rust to dust
Go for broke and end up bust
The devil drives, where needing must
Dream of love, and fall in lust

I was happy with the crumbs from her table
Just a loser with no dough
But lately I’ve been begging for Mercy
Only Mercy doesn’t want to know

Cash to ashes, rust to dust
Go for broke and end up bust
The devil drives, where needing must
Dream of love, and fall in lust


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